5th Month Week 19.5

This is being typed from home after a safe drive up Hwy 5 and a great ferry trip from Bellingham to Juneau. There was also some memorable days in Whidbey Island that have nothing to do with the rehab Last full week and a little into the packing week. I got most of the antiskid done on both the deck and the cockpit hatch lids. The Cockpit remains to be painted and antiskidded plus a little antiskid work on the cabin top and the foredeck. I can't do the foredeck until I outline how the winch goes on.

Hatch lids fiberglassed

Hatches fiberglassed

Antiskid on hatch lids

antiskid on cockpit hatches

The anti skid is gelcoat thickened with silica and wax added. It is rolled on with a texture roller. It is a pretty aggressive tooth, I will knock it down with a board pushed over it.

Antiskid on the deck

Deck antiskid

So now the closing episode of the first winter. The final buffout and waxing of Sheer's hull paint is done. The results are fantastic and I know I am going to look really good at the helm. Here is a series going around the boat

Starboard Quarter

starboard quarter

Starboard Side

starboard side

The Bow

the bow

Port Side

port side

Port Quarter

port quarter

So that's it for this work season. I have brought some stuff home to build doors for and will post a page on that when they get done. Stay tuned for year two starting in mid Oct.
